26 Jun 2014

Giant's kettles in Askola

Askola 7/6/2014

Some 20 giant's kettles were found in Askola in 1950. They were emptied in 1965 and since then they've been a local attraction.

We packed our backpacks and visited the area in early June.

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We were greeted by this fellow when we arrived.

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Some of the potholes are large...

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... and some are smaller.

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Each of them has a name.

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Many of the potholes were occupied...

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... and we saw some other locals as well.

A nice place to visit, and not too far away from Helsinki where we live.


  1. I will continue to follow your adventures.

    1. Welcome, Alan! Nice you found your way here.

  2. ...........and I'm here too Maria. Fascinating potholes and that snake looks fierce.

    1. Welcome, Jim! This was the first time we managed to take a picture of an adder. Usually they slither away so quickly.
